Innovation in Corvallis — What’s the big deal?

MundorffImageCONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE CORVALLIS ECONOMY often bring up a few key factors: innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. The community ranks among the top cities in the country for patents and Ph.Ds. per capita. And as the home to a global leader in computer technologies, a vibrant startup business culture and the state’s largest research university, the city brims with energy that seems almost out of place in its agricultural setting.

At the City Club of Corvallis meeting on Tuesday, November 14, three speakers will address the economic impacts of this innovative spirit on the community and region. They will discuss what the innovation economy means for Corvallis, for longtime residents and newcomers, for young families and retirees, for business owners and employees.

Addressing these questions will be three people familiar with the local economy:

  • Nick Fowler, president of the board of the Regional Accelerator and Innovation Network, RAIN
  • Karl Mundorff, director of the Oregon State University Advantage program
  • Patrick O’Connor, economist with the State of Oregon Employment Department

Among the issues they will discuss are how RAIN and the OSU Advantage program have affected business development, the city’s role in the regional economy, employment trends and the need for city services.

The discussion will be moderated by Tom Nelson, Economic Development manager for the City of Corvallis.

The event is free and open to the public. Doors will open at 11:30 at the Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis at 1112 NW Circle Blvd. The event will begin at noon, and a lunch from Valley Catering will be available: $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. To reserve lunch, send email to by Friday, November 10. You can also pay for lunch online with your credit card.

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