Our first CitySpeak of the year takes a look at criminal justice reform in Oregon, and then takes on a second topic, a shift favoring universal healthcare among Oregon Republicans.
Criminal Justice Reform Panelists
Panelists include Benton County District Attorney John Haroldson and ex-con Youth Justice Project Director Trevor Walraven of Eugene. Topics include youth sentencing in Oregon, Senate Bill 1008, Measure 11, nonunanimous juries, and how these topics historically relate to stigma and marginalization.
Healthcare Reform Panelists
Panelists include Warren George, a Republican interested in healthcare policy. He will discuss a recent poll showing Oregon Republicans would favor universal healthcare in the state. Karen Christianson, Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates Chair, and a now retired attorney, will also present and field audience queries.
The aforementioned poll also shows 62% would support a healthcare tax, if it’s for less than their current premiums. Both panelists will discuss possible political paths forward.
This event is free and open to the public, and will feature a lengthy audience Q&A session following moderation by Advocate Editor Stevie Beisswanger and Publisher Steve Schultz. CitySpeak is presented by City Club of Corvallis and the Corvallis Advocate.