Help for the unhoused has changed in Corvallis this last year, and for our next CitySpeak Forum, the people behind those changes will field questions from the public.
Slated for National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week, the forum is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, at 6:30 p.m. Topics will almost certainly include sheltering during social distancing and shifts in allowances for camping – along with new alliances among Corvallis’ helping organizations. Alongside this, the county has, for at least the third time in five years, reorganized its advisory board that works on homeless issues, now called the Housing, Opportunity Planning and Equity advisory board, or HOPE.
Panelists include:
Xan Augerot, Benton County Commissioner
Biff Traber, Corvallis Mayor
Julie Arena, Coordinator, H.O.P.E., Home, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity
Andrea Myhre, Executive Director, Corvallis Housing First
Ann Craig, Executve Director, Jackson Street Youth Services
Sara Hartstein, Health Communities Division Manager, Benton County
Paulina Kaiser, Director of Health Outcomes Research & Evaluation, Samaritan Health Services
Shawn Collins, Executive Director, Unity Shelter
Ben Danley, Executive Director, Community Outreach, Inc.
Dina Eldridge, Housing Services Manager, Community Services Consortium
Shane Bertrand, Corvallis Housing First Client
Forum Access
Live on The Advocate’s website or Facebook page, with generous time allotted for questions from the public. Video of the forum is available after CitySpeak adjourns for the night.
Submit Your Questions
As always, viewer questions are encouraged, either before or during the forum.
Viewers can submit questions before and during the forum. Before the event, you can email, message us on social media, or just post your question on one of the social media posts of the event. During the event, you can still email or message us on social media, and you can also submit your question on the Facebook posting of the live event.
CitySpeak forums are free to public, and are co-presented by City Club of Corvallis and The Corvallis Advocate. Sponsors include Peak Sports and First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op.