If Oregon were hit with a major earthquake today, how would Corvallis respond to the almost certain devastation of buildings, utilities, bridges and roads? Which are our most vulnerable public buildings? What plans for building reinforcements and emergency procedures are in place to minimize loss of life and speed recovery?
At the October 12 Corvallis City Club meeting, representatives of the City of Corvallis, Benton County and the Corvallis 509j School District will provide updates on the status of their preparedness efforts. Joining them will be an Oregon State engineer, who established the Cascadia Lifelines Program to promote earthquake resilience, and two OSU geologists whose work shows the likelihood of a major quake, such as the one that devastated Japan in 2011.
- Robert Yeats, professor emeritus of geology and geophysics, Oregon State University
- Chris Goldfinger, professor of geology and geophysics, Oregon State University
- Scott Ashford, Dean, College of Engineering, Oregon State University
- Kevin Higgins, Benton County Emergency Management
- Douglas Baily, Fire Department, City of Corvallis
- Jennifer Schroeder, Corvallis School District 509j
As always, attendance is free and open to the public.
Location: Gerding Builders Gym, Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis, 1112 NW Circle Ave.
Time: 12 noon to 1:15 pm, Monday, October 12
A buffet lunch will be available. To register for lunch ($10 for City Club members, $15 for nonmembers), send email to info@cityclubofcorvallis by 5 pm, Friday, October 9.
5 Responses to “Saving Lives: Recovering from the Big One”
Rachel Harrington
Is there any chance this will be recorded?
Hi, Rachel. Yes. We recorded this session.
Dominique Bachelet
Are the recordings available? We just had a neighborhood meeting and there was a lot of questions about how Corvallis might fare in a big quake.
Hi, Dominique. I can burn a CD, although I’m leaving town and won’t be able to do that until late next week. The file is 1.2 GB, and I’m assuming I can find a disc large enough.
Nick Houtman
Mark Rust
I would also like to get a copy of the recorded discussion. Please contact me at my email.