Rendering of proposed Corvallis waterfront hotel

Rooms with a View

The Corvallis Planning Commission has unanimously approved
plans for a five-story hotel in downtown Corvallis at 1st and Adams,
the site of the former Copeland Lumber yard. The site lies within the
Willamette River Greenway, which requires any development proposal to go
through a public-hearing process where it could be vetted by the public and the
Planning Commission. Plans include a swimming pool, exercise facility, 4,550
square-feet of retail space on the ground floor, third-floor balcony
overlooking the Willamette River and a three-story parking garage with space
for 109 vehicles. The entrance to the hotel will be on Adams St., and the exit from the parking garage will be in the alley on the east side of the site.
Total cost is estimated at about $18 million.
At the June 11, 2012, Corvallis City Club meeting, Alan Wells of
Commercial Associates, a Corvallis real estate firm, will discuss the proposed
development. At present, the hotel is unbranded, although Wells said developers
are leaning toward a Marriott brand such as Springhill Suites.
The meeting begins at 12 noon in the Banquet Room at the Renaissance Building, 136 SW Washington St.. As always, attendance is free. Lunch is $10 for non-members and $8 for members. To register, send email to Nick Houtman,, with “City Club June 11” in the subject line, by June 7.

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