If you cross the Marys River, bike down Jefferson Avenue or drive up Witham Hill, you will notice more than changes in the landscape. Streets, parks, schools, homes and businesses define the many neighborhoods that make up the city. Some have favorite spots for neighbors to meet; others do not. In some parts of town, you can park easily on the street any time and stroll down a sidewalk. Home ownership and housing density vary from place to place.
The needs and challenges facing neighborhoods will be the focus of the September 12 City Club of Corvallis meeting. Tracy Oulman, housing and neighborhood coordinator for the city, will discuss what she has learned in her year on the job as she has walked the community and met with neighborhood organizations. Tracey Yee of the Community Involvement and Diversity Advisory Board and George Brown of the Tunison Neighborhood Association will also be on the panel.
Attendees will get a chance to identify neighborhood issues and discuss ways for the city to empower local organizations. Time will be allotted for questions and comments.
The event is free and open to the public. Doors will open at 11:30 at the Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis at 1112 NW Circle Blvd. The event will begin at noon, and a lunch from Valley Catering (meat lasagna with Italian sauce, green salad, garlic bread, veggie tray, cookies, coffee) will be available: $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. To reserve lunch, send email to info@cityclubofcorvallis.org by Friday, September 8. You can also pay for lunch online with your credit card.