Listen to an audio recording of this meeting on SoundCloud.
The ability of the City of Corvallis and Benton County to balance their books and mediate financial tensions will be the focus of the City Club of Corvallis meeting on Tuesday, May 9.
Representing Benton County will be Pat Cochran, budget manager, and Xan Augerot, vice chair of the Board of Commissioners. Among issues facing the county are health insurance changes due to the federal Affordable Care Act and the impacts they may have on Medicaid. Also of concern are budget deficiencies facing the Health Department and what to do about costs associated with the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).
Speaking on behalf of the city will be Nancy Brewer, finance director, and Hal Brauner, councilor representing ward 9. Topics for city representatives are the growing funding tension resulting from proposed investments in public safety and livability, investigating alternative sources of revenue and PERS.
The event is free and open to the public. Doors will open at 11:30 at the Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis at 1112 NW Circle Blvd. The event will begin at noon, and a lunch from Valley Catering (Mediterranean salad; herbed brown rice; roasted vegetables; sliced tahini chicken and rolls) will be available: $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. To reserve lunch, send email to by Friday, May 5.You can also pay for lunch online with your credit card.