Members of the Corvallis City Club will gather at 5 pm Tuesday, May 19,
2015, at the Del Alma restaurant banquet room to elect officers and a
board for the coming year. Registration is requested by 5 pm Friday, May
15, by sending email to
A slate of candidates will be proposed to the members.
Openings currently exist for secretary and the chair of the logistics
committee. The secretary takes minutes at monthly board meetings, and
the logistics chair, preferably a member of the board, arranges for
meals and set up at the club’s public meetings.
A tentative agenda for the meeting is as follows:
5:00 Social gathering
5:30 Call to order. Opening remarks from the president.
5:40 Brief reports on finances, programs, logistics and membership
5:50 Discussion of program topics for the coming year
6:20 Q&A
6:30 Adjourn